Our medical writers span the entire range of genres including creative copywriting, editorial support, literature searches, referencing and scientific content development. We are equally enthusiastic about working independently or partnering with healthcare professionals to create communications that are firmly rooted in science and exciting to read.
We are highly experienced in creating traditional written materials such as slide decks and leavepieces. But since everything has an element of written content, our writers are core members of every project team from the outset. That way, you know that each item we produce, from meeting invitations to speaker briefing documents, video scripts or programme straplines, will have a scientific, strategic and creative edge.
Of course we love writing from scratch – the anticipation of the blank page! But we also revel in the challenge of refining existing materials to give them new life and further reach. So if you’ve got an enormous slide deck that doesn’t get used as much as you’d hoped, we are the right team to maximise the investment you have already made.
Give us a call
Now that you know a bit about us, give us a call and tell us about you and your needs!
+44 (0) 1344 860 612